Everyone underestimates the strength of wookiees. In a no-weapons fight to the death in an enclosed space, I'd take the Wookiee. They seem immensely durable, with thick hides and immense power. Remember how effortlessly Chewbacca choked Lando, using just a tiny portion of his strength?
Dan Hipp has created illustration and design work for Warner Bros. Animation, Cartoon Network,Wired,DC Comics, Random House, and others. Was art directing Teen Titans GO! Am drawing for animation, comics and you
Let me be the first to say it then...
Let the Wookie win!!
Awesome stuff, Dan.
I feel a nerd-gasm coming on... GAH! ;)
Awesome! Fan comic of this is in dire need.
love the Chewie!
I totally disagree with Craig Collins. The Predator would totally own Wookie.
Hipp, You're killing it!
I'm really digging all your stuff.
Predator decapitating Vader? GTFOH
If it was Boba Fett I'd believe it
Everyone underestimates the strength of wookiees. In a no-weapons fight to the death in an enclosed space, I'd take the Wookiee. They seem immensely durable, with thick hides and immense power. Remember how effortlessly Chewbacca choked Lando, using just a tiny portion of his strength?
ok that's bizarre... the head of darth vader in the hand of the predator...
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